Intelligent or smart 3D models

3D Modeling

Intelligent 3D models, also known as “smart” 3D models or parametric models, go beyond the traditional representation of 3D geometry. These models contain additional information, data, and intelligence that enhance their capabilities, making them more powerful and versatile for various applications. The intelligence in these 3D models allows them to represent real-world behavior, relationships, and functionalities beyond their visual appearance.

Intelligent 3D models

What does it include?

Intelligent 3D models find applications in various industries, such as manufacturing, engineering, architecture, and construction. They improve the design process, enhance product performance, reduce errors, and support data-driven decision-making throughout the entire lifecycle of a project or product.

Key features of intelligent 3D models include:
  1. Parametric Geometry: Intelligent 3D models use parametric modeling techniques, where the geometric elements are defined by parameters and relationships. Changes to these parameters automatically update the model’s geometry and associated features. This feature facilitates easy design modifications and iterations.
  2. Associative Relationships: Objects within the model can have associative relationships with one another. For example, components can be linked in a way that if one part is modified, the related parts adjust accordingly. This associative behavior ensures that the model remains consistent and up-to-date with any design changes.
  3. Behavioral Properties: Intelligent 3D models can simulate the behavior and interactions of real-world objects. For example, in engineering simulations, these models can accurately predict how a system will respond to external forces, fluid dynamics, or thermal changes.
  4. Metadata and Attributes: Intelligent 3D models contain metadata and attributes that provide additional information about the objects and components. This data can include material properties, manufacturing information, cost data, maintenance history, or any other relevant information that enhances the model’s utility.
  5. Interoperability: Intelligent 3D models are designed to work seamlessly with various software applications and platforms. They can be integrated into computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided engineering (CAE), building information modeling (BIM), and other software tools.
  6. Analysis and Simulation: With the embedded intelligence, these models can be used for advanced analysis, simulation, and optimization. Engineers can conduct stress analysis, fluid flow simulations, and other tests to evaluate performance and make informed design decisions.
  7. Automation and Generative Design: Intelligent 3D models enable automation in design and engineering processes. Generative design techniques use algorithms and optimization to create multiple design iterations that meet specified constraints and performance goals.
  8. Collaboration and Visualization: The intelligence in these models facilitates better collaboration among interdisciplinary teams. It allows stakeholders to visualize, understand, and interact with the design, leading to more efficient decision-making.

Process and manufacturing plants can significantly benefit from intelligent or smart 3D models. These advanced models, which go beyond traditional geometric representations, offer a range of advantages that can enhance various aspects of plant operations and management. Here are some ways how intelligent 3D models benefit process and manufacturing plants:

  1. Enhanced Design and Planning: Intelligent 3D models allow for more detailed and accurate design representations. Engineers can use parametric modeling to quickly explore design alternatives, simulate different scenarios, and optimize equipment layouts, resulting in more efficient and cost-effective plant designs.
  2. Simulation and Analysis: With embedded behavioral properties, intelligent 3D models support advanced simulations and analyses. Engineers can perform stress tests, fluid flow simulations, and other analyses to evaluate the performance of equipment and systems under various operating conditions.
  3. Interoperability and Integration: Intelligent 3D models are compatible with various software platforms, enabling seamless integration with computer-aided engineering (CAE), plant design, and other software tools. This integration fosters better collaboration and data exchange among different engineering disciplines.
  4. Virtual Commissioning: Intelligent 3D models facilitate virtual commissioning, where the plant’s operations are tested and validated in a virtual environment before physical implementation. This reduces commissioning time, minimizes risks, and ensures smoother startup processes.
  5. Maintenance and Facility Management: The detailed information and metadata in intelligent models support effective maintenance and facility management. Maintenance teams can access critical data, such as equipment specifications, service history, and maintenance schedules, improving asset reliability and uptime.
  6. Digital Twin Implementation: Intelligent 3D models form the basis for creating digital twins of process and manufacturing plants. Digital twins are virtual representations that mirror the physical plant’s behavior and performance. They allow real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and continuous optimization.
  7. Safety and Risk Assessment: Intelligent 3D models enable comprehensive safety and risk assessments. Engineers can use the models to simulate safety scenarios, analyze potential hazards, and implement safety measures to mitigate risks effectively.
  8. Training and Operator Support: Intelligent 3D models aid in training plant operators. Operators can interact with the models in virtual environments, allowing them to familiarize themselves with equipment and processes before working on the actual plant.
  9. Efficient Retrofits and Upgrades: When planning plant retrofits or upgrades, intelligent 3D models provide a foundation for design changes. Engineers can simulate the impact of modifications on the entire plant, ensuring seamless integration and efficient implementation.
  10. Real-Time Monitoring and Optimization: By coupling intelligent 3D models with data from sensors and control systems, plant operators can monitor the plant’s performance in real-time. This data-driven approach allows for continuous optimization of plant operations.

Overall, intelligent 3D models bring significant benefits to process and manufacturing plants, streamlining design, improving operations, enhancing safety, and optimizing maintenance. These models contribute to overall efficiency and competitiveness in the industrial sector.


As-built geometric models, also known as as-built 3D models or as-built representations, are digital models that accurately capture the real-world geometry of constructed objects, structures, or facilities. These models are created after a construction project is completed, representing the actual physical conditions as they exist on-site. Here are some key characteristics and uses of as-built geometric models:

  1. Accuracy and Precision: As-built models aim to be highly accurate and precise, representing the final construction with minimal deviation from the actual measurements. They capture the as-constructed dimensions, shapes, and spatial relationships of objects and components.
  2. Verification of Construction: As-built models are used to verify that the constructed elements match the original design intent. By comparing the as-built model to the original design or construction plans, engineers can identify any discrepancies or deviations that may have occurred during construction.
  3. Documentation and Record-Keeping: As-built models serve as essential documentation and records of the completed construction project. They provide a detailed digital representation of the final outcome, including any modifications or changes made during construction.
  4. Facilities Management and Maintenance: As-built models are valuable for facilities management and maintenance purposes. They assist in identifying the location of equipment, utilities, and other infrastructure, making it easier to plan maintenance activities and modifications.
  5. BIM Integration: As-built models can be integrated into Building Information Modeling (BIM) platforms, where they contribute to a comprehensive and accurate digital representation of a building or infrastructure. This enables better collaboration among stakeholders and helps in future renovations and improvements.
  6. As-Built Surveys and 3D Scanning: As-built models are often created through laser scanning or photogrammetry techniques. These technologies capture the physical environment in 3D, allowing for the creation of accurate as-built models.
  7. Comparison with Design Models: By overlaying the as-built model with the original design model, engineers can visually and quantitatively compare the actual construction with the planned design. This comparison is useful for evaluating construction quality and identifying areas for improvement.
  8. Construction Compliance and Regulation: As-built models can be used to demonstrate compliance with construction regulations, codes, and safety standards. They provide evidence that the construction adheres to the approved design and regulatory requirements.
  9. Project Handover and Documentation: As-built models are handed over to clients or stakeholders as part of the project completion package. They become valuable reference materials for future renovations, maintenance, or expansion projects.

Overall, as-built geometric models play a critical role in capturing the final state of construction projects accurately. They contribute to effective facilities management, help ensure construction quality, and serve as vital documentation for the entire lifecycle of the built environment.


    As-built models are essential in retrofit or investment projects as they provide a detailed and accurate representation of existing structures, facilities, or systems. These models serve as a valuable foundation for planning and executing retrofit or investment initiatives. Here’s how as-built models are used in such projects:

    1. Site Assessment and Analysis: As-built models are used to assess the current condition of the existing infrastructure or facilities. Engineers and planners can examine the 3D representation to identify areas that need improvement, upgrades, or modifications.
    2. Design and Feasibility Studies: As-built models serve as a reference for design and feasibility studies during retrofit projects. Engineers can superimpose proposed modifications onto the existing model to visualize how the changes will integrate with the current infrastructure.
    3. Spatial Coordination: As-built models aid in spatial coordination, ensuring that the new components or equipment fit seamlessly into the existing structure. This helps prevent clashes, interferences, and other issues during the retrofit process.
    4. Cost Estimation: By accurately representing the existing conditions, as-built models enable more precise cost estimation for retrofit or investment projects. This helps stakeholders budget and plan their resources accordingly.
    5. Materials and Equipment Specifications: As-built models provide the necessary information about existing materials, components, and equipment. This data is crucial for sourcing compatible materials and equipment during the retrofit process.
    6. Regulatory Compliance: As-built models assist in ensuring that retrofit or investment projects comply with building codes, safety standards, and other regulatory requirements. By comparing the existing model with the proposed modifications, engineers can demonstrate compliance to regulatory authorities.
    7. Simulation and Analysis: Engineers can use as-built models for simulations and analysis to evaluate the impact of the proposed changes on the overall performance of the infrastructure or facility. This includes stress analysis, energy simulations, and structural assessments.
    8. Project Visualization and Communication: As-built models facilitate effective communication among project stakeholders. The 3D visual representation allows clients, investors, and decision-makers to better understand the retrofit plans and visualize the potential outcomes.
    9. Progress Monitoring: During the retrofit project, as-built models can be updated to reflect the current state of the construction. This enables real-time progress monitoring and helps ensure that the actual construction aligns with the planned modifications.
    10. Documentation and Handover: As-built models become part of the project documentation and are handed over to the clients or facility owners. These models serve as valuable references for future maintenance, upgrades, or future investment decisions.

    In summary, as-built models play a critical role in retrofit or investment projects by providing a comprehensive and accurate representation of existing structures. They support the entire lifecycle of the project, from initial assessments and planning to design, implementation, and ongoing maintenance.

      In summary, as-built models play a critical role in retrofit or investment projects by providing a comprehensive and accurate representation of existing structures. They support the entire lifecycle of the project, from initial assessments and planning to design, implementation, and ongoing maintenance.

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